Sober living

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Dialectical Behavior Therapy DBT

Psychologist Marsha Linehan, PhD, developed dialectical behavior therapy in the 1980s for people with suicidal thoughts who also often lived with BPD. Because this approach to therapy is able to help people successfully improve their coping skills, they are able to develop effective ways to manage and express strong emotions. Researchers have also found…

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Does Alcohol Cause Hot Flashes?

It gives you an anonymous and supportive environment to set alcohol behaviour-change goals. No matter how busy you are or where you live, Daybreak is accessible at any time on a smartphone with no waiting lists, so you can access Daybreak when you need it. However, a more serious cause of night sweats is alcohol…

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Alcohol use disorder Symptoms and causes

However, for skin conditions related to AUD, liver disease, or excessive alcohol consumption, the best preventive measure is to stop drinking alcohol. Over time, drinking a lot of alcohol can cause many health problems. It increases the risk of many types of cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Chronic alcohol misuse can also…

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Alcohol and Cholesterol: Whats the Relationship?

In cardiomyocyte mitochondria as well as other mitochondrial types, such imbalances could lead to further decreases in cellular respiration and oxidative phosphorylation. Evidence of oxidative stress is found after short periods of alcohol consumption (2 to 18 weeks), at least in animal models. These data suggest that antioxidant defense mechanisms that attempt to protect the…

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